🌞😎🌊💗 Beautiful you, beautiful pics, beautiful words on the joy and gift of bodies that jump, splash, laugh, lift (not sure I could pull myself up on those rocks 😂) and LOVE! 💖 So glad you had such an amazing time, Croatia looks STUNNING 😍 - that water!! So much ❤️. 🥰🤗🤗🤗

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Thank you so much Jen! Honestly, splashing, laughing, jumping (maybe not lifting) are such joys - at any age and we need to remember this and keep doing it! And Croatia is so beautiful - we keep returning there and finding more treasures each time. Big hugs my lovely friend. xxx

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BIG hugs right back!!! Catch up v. soon. 🥰🤗🤗🤗

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Such a positive take! It’s all about the outlook and you look great too!

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Thank you for Abby! It’s all about enjoying it while you can really, isn’t it? x

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Great post Lisa and I think as we’ll start to get older what we worried about in our 20’s and 30’s seems so insignificant, especially when many don’t have the privilege to get old. I’m all for loving what we’ve been given and making the most of our fabulous bodies while we can 😍

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Hi Sonya

Thank you for your lovely comment. I agree with everything you say and I try to instil this mindset into my girls, 24 and 30. I think they’re getting the message - I do hope so. xx

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Reading this fills me with joy and hope. I am that person who refuses to have her photo taken. Looks back at the twenty year old me and mourns the time when I did wear a bikini, and frequently only the bottom half of it. Won’t dress or undress in front of anyone, especially my husband and only wears sensible underwear.

I’m not sure if I’m ready to jump off piers but I’ll give loving who I am and what people see a go.

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Aw thank you for your lovely comment Brigitte. I'm so happy that it has given you some hope and joy! I really do hope that you try to love yourself the way you are. We are so quick to judge ourselves but so many women in European countries wander around in bikinis at all ages/shapes/sizes and they're loving life! Enjoy it while you can :-) xxx

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