Oh Lisa, this reminded me of those pre-Pinterest, 80s inspirational collages we’d have in klipframes on our bedroom walls (just me and my friends!?) for fashion, beauty and life inspo. Then, likewise with desk pinboards - I think seeing visual prompts can be so helpful in setting a mood, as with all the senses - music, especially- for writing and anything creative. I also did a very similar activity with a church girls’ group, as part of an evening retreat together, and sharing the words and images we loved, that appealed and talking through what they represented in the very different collages we made. Sue Fulmore, who writes A Capacity For Wings, did a video on it as part of a series. That’s wonderful news about the freelance jobs! 🙌🫶💗

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Jun 1Liked by Lisa Barrett

Ahh Lisa, lovely article - and of course I can vouch for every word you’re saying because I was there with you! Something quite magical about the whole experience, including the vision boards (I’ll keep you posted on my progress with that, but I’m not sure I’m helping myself keeping it rolled up and tucked out of sight in a cupboard, ha ha! I need to embrace messy life and give it pride of place next to the clothes horse!)

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I went to a vision board class in January .. poo pooed it a bit but was invited by a friend so thought oh ok I'll go. Really enjoyed it as it turns out and it's sat on my desk ever since. Three things I put on it have happened! I've also realised that you have to be really, really specific what you ask for! Hooked now!

I saw your wellness retreat insta stories .. looked fab .. with the lovely Tracy. I'd love to try that too - just too far away for me. Train travel to those parts of the UK are a no go from where I live sadly.

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I've heard from a few people now Sharon about the power of the vision board! It's a lovely tool to keep you focused, I think. Yes, the retreat was fab - took me over 5 hours to get there but was well worth it! xx

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Thank you for the nudge this post has given me to create my own vision board.

I did one for the end of last year and it all came true! 👏👏😘

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Hi Kate! Thanks for your comment and I’m so glad it’s given you a little reminder to create your own. Amazing that your last one worked so well - mine seems to be giving me positive energy and that’s exactly what I need - the extra focus on my goals! ☺️

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Yes, I think that’s it, it brings your goals front and centre so you naturally push them forward instead of overlooking them.

No magic required, it just works. Good luck with yours! 😃👏

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Thanks MazzyB! 😄 Yes! Get that vision board out now - unleash the power of the retreat and travel vibes on it (and remember me when those travel invites come in if you need a jolly plus one!). I’m really trying to keep that retreat magic alive - but it’s easier when we are by the sea with a lovely group of women isn’t it? ✨✨✨✨

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Thanks for commenting Jen and hope you’re enjoying the (intermittent) sunshine! ☀️ I remember the Klipframes well! I loved this creative exercise during the retreat - it made me feel like I was back at school in art class (I’d forgotten how much I’d enjoyed feeling peaceful and enjoying simple creative endeavours). Just hoping it all comes to fruition now! Big hugs 🤗 🤗🤗😍😍😍😍

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